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Act Out

Act Out is a great class for kids who are new to theatre or those who prefer non-musicals with smaller cast sizes.

The Mysterious Case of the Missing Ring, Winter 2022

The Adventures of Captain Beardless

March 25-May 13 | Mondays, 6:15-7:45pm
Performance: May 18 @ 7:00pm
Participation fee: $275 ($25 sibl
ing discount)

Avast ye landlubbers! This here is the TRUE tale of Captain Beardless, and the lost treasure of Blackbeard. Our story begins in a lowly orphanage where Edward Teach’s own daughter, Taylor, receives a long lost letter from her father. Within the letter she finds a riddle, and a treasure map. She and her best friend Joan run away to find a ship and a crew that will sail them across the ocean blue. That is when they bump into none other than Captain Beardless herself. Can this pirate captain be trusted? Can she lead Taylor to Blackbeard’s treasure? Prepare to be boarded as we bring you along for this incredible journey!

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